LIANG, Gaoqi
email: lianggaoqi AT (Replace AT with @)
My research focuses on the modelling and decision-making of the cyber physical social system, which includes smart grid, smart buildings, and their cyber-physical security; electricity market and its cyber-physical security; data quality and its assessment and improvement, and so forth.
ZHAO, Huan
email: huanzhao AT (Replace AT with @)
I Mainly research hybrid intelligence-based learning systems and decision-making methods, and the application of artificial intelligence technology in the Energy Internet. Research methods include deep learning, deep reinforcement learning, and reverse reinforcement learning. The research issues are the Electric Spring control, cooperative wind farm control, and electricity market bidding problems.
LIU, Wenxuan
email: wenxuanliu AT (Replace AT with @)
Industrial Economic Theory; Game Theory and Application; Operational Research
LIU, Guolong
email: guolongliu AT (Replace AT with @)
My current research interests include deep learning, artificial intelligence, data analytics in smart grid, and load modelling.
Ph.D. Students
LIU, Jinjie
email: jinjieliu AT (Replace AT with @)
My current research interests include low-carbon electricity, sustainable finance, energy transition, and the electricity market.
WANG, Haijin
email: 218019068 AT (Replace AT with @)
The focus of my research is the AI algorithm and the application of AI in power system, including intelligent dispatching, optimization for wind farm.
RUAN, Jiaqi
email: 219019045 AT (Replace AT with @)
My research interests include cyber security, state estimation, electricity market, energy economy, and machine learning related applications in smart grid.
PAN, Zibin
email: zibinpan AT (Replace AT with @)
My current research mainly includes evolutionary computation, swarm intelligence and high performance computing.
ZHOU, Yuxie
email: yuxiezhou AT (Replace AT with @)
My current interests include electricity pricing, game theory, and blockchain applications for electricity market.
Past Mphil (Graduated)
WANG, Xinlei
Xinlei Wang’s research interests mainly focus on the economical analysis of the electricity market and carbon emission trading market. Now, she is researching on the environmental impacts of the policy design in guangdong’s ETS.
SI, Caomingzhe
The focus of my research is the application of AI in power system, including intelligent dispatching, urban intelligent distribution networks and intelligent buildings;the evaluation and improvement of power system and grid security,and so forth.