The Super Resolution Perception Dataset (SRPD) consists of simulated smart meter data with a sampling frequency of 1 kHz. The different working states of the electrical appliances in the house are given by simulation, and then the corresponding electrical appliance load data are merged into the aggregate smart meter data of the house according to different working states. The used electrical load data of appliances in different working states used in this study working are based on the Plug-Level Appliance Identification Dataset (PLAID)[1] which can be used in appliance identification. The dataset provides 1793 high-resolution (30 kHz) data instances of 82 different appliances which belong to 11 different appliance types: Air Conditioner, Compact Fluorescent Light, Fan, Fridge, Hairdryer, Heater, Incandescent Light Bulb, Laptop, Microwave, Vacuum and Washing Machine.
Notice: Those wishing to use the dataset in academic work should cite the following paper as the reference.
Liu, Guolong, et al. "Super resolution perception for smart meter data." Information Sciences 526 (2020): 263-273.
You can download SRPD by clicking the corresponding text below.
1. data
2. labels
[1] J. Gao, S. Giri, E.C. Kara, and M. Berges, PLAID: a public dataset of high-resolution electrical appliance measurements for load identification research: demo abstract, Proceedings of the 1st ACM Conf. Embedded Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, 2014: 198-199